Gestión de Proyectos con Teoría de Restricciones aplicada al área técnica de la Compañía Construcciones y Servicios S. A.
Gestión de Proyectos con Teoría de Restricciones aplicada al área técnica de la Compañía Construcciones y Servicios S. A.
Contenido principal del artículo
Abstract: The Dinpro-Construcciones y Servicios group is oriented towards the design, construction, assembly and maintenance of industrial and logistic projects; “Construcciones y Servicios” company focuses in the construction, assembly, and maintenance of these projects; this article is developed at this company. One of the most important activities within the execution of construction projects is to ensure that the contractors are well prepared to execute that which was agreed, in the scheduled moment and with the arranged characteristics, but to hire on time before the starting day of the each activity depends of the work team. Nevertheless, there are no follow up and control tools which allow assuring the efficacy of the hiring process so that it is done on time in the field. This essay pretends to display the experience of “Construcciones y Servicios” S.A. in the application of the solutions granted elements for the General Management of TOC Projects (Critical chain) to the hiring process, executed as a project per se with successful results.