Impact of the ENSO phenomenon on dissolved oxygen at two stations on the Cauca River-Colombia: 1985 to 2015

Impacto del fenómeno ENOS en el oxígeno disuelto en dos estaciones del Río Cauca-Colombia: años 1985 a 2015

Contenido principal del artículo

José Alfredo Diaz Escobar
Diana Ximena Guamialamag-Alpala
Viviana Vargas-Franco


Climate variability is one of the main challenges faced by mankind, and
understanding its relationship with water quality will generate knowledge that will
enable the development of early adaptation strategies and the integral management
of water resources. This study assessed the impact of the different intensities of the
“El Niño-Southern Oscillation” (ENSO) climate phenomenon on Dissolved Oxygen
(DO) from 1985 to 2015, at two monitoring stations on Cauca River. Spatialtemporal variation analysis of DO was performed using descriptive and inferential
statistical techniques under different ENSO phases. The correlation between
DO and the intensities of the ENSO phases was assessed using the Spearman
correlation coefficient. No statistical differences were found in DO concentration
at the two studied stations (p = 0.1164). Statical differences of DO were found
depending on the ENSO phases at the Mediacanoa station (p = 0.002556); it was
also found that the highest median concentrations of DO took place when La
Niña was present. No correlation was found at the studied stations between the
intensities of the ENSO phases and DO. The water quality of the Cauca River, at the
Yotoco and Mediacanoa stations, showed very poor conditions, which has produced
negative social, economic and environmental effects.


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Referencias (VER)

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